Thursday, November 17, 2011

Critters galore...

Every now again, we can't help but post some photos of our domestic critters (Ginger and Pepper, the cats, and Sushi, the dog). Last week, we also got up close and personal with a few wild critters, namely a giant slug that crawled in through the bathroom window and affixed itself to the toothpaste (yuck!) and a reed frog. We think this might be a jumping reed frog or a variation on a regular reed frog. One lives outside the biology lab at school in a lovely little pond. During the day it crawls up the reed and tucks itself in the foliage, waiting for nighttime to become active. The incredible thing is that last week, Brian was walking in the high school area and looked down at his watch, only to discover that one of these reed frogs had somehow attached itself to the watch face (where and how and when this happened is a complete and bizarre mystery). After showing the frog off for a few minutes, Brian took the frog over to the pond and, for a few days, the resident reed frog and the "watch" frog got quite cozy. While Brian's frog has now disappeared (off to find more ponds and lady friends, perhaps), the biology teacher is hoping there will soon be tadpoles swimming in the pond.

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