Saturday, August 15, 2009

Celebrating the First Week of School, Trekkie Style!

After a busy and full first week of classes, we celebrated being back at TCIS by gathering with a bunch of friends for Jen Park's birthday. Jen is a big Trekkie so we all reported for Starfleet command and hung out in the auditorium at our school. We played some entertaining simulation games (involving tin foil asteroids and a basketball that represented red matter) and watched The Trouble With Tribbles (quite possibly the most famous Star Trek episode ever). It was so much fun, even though the girls rolled their eyes (many times) because of our nerdy excitement about the event and our outfits. "Live long and prosper" is all we could say in response. (Please note that Brian was especially proud of his transformation into Captain Kirk...)

1 comment:

Mrs Alison Pearse said...

Brian needs way more bronzer in the first shot!
Does he do a TJ Hooker?