Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cora's Gold President's Award!

For two years, Cora worked diligently on fulfilling all of the requirements of the President's Gold Award. This award is known in some places as the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and it's a prestigious award that involves adventure tasks/outings, service projects, club participation, language training and much more. When a student achieves the gold level of this award, it is presented by the President of that country (or the Duke of Edinburgh in the UK). A few weeks ago, I was able to go to State House here in Kenya to accept Cora's award, as well as an award for her dear friend Adele. I was supposed to receive the awards directly from President Uhuru Kenyatta in a formal ceremony. Hundreds of people were in attendance and, when it came time to line up to accept the awards, there was a massive mosh pit of people and I couldn't hear the woman trying to line up delegates; therefore, I missed my window to walk the red carpet and shake the President's hand (maybe a good thing). Later, I was supposed to be in a group photo with several winners/schools but I missed that, too, because an even bigger mosh pit of people were crowding the photo area and eventually all photos were cancelled. It was chaos and it was so interesting to be a part of it! Thank goodness I was able to get the girls' certificates before leaving State House and all I have, as proof of my attendance that day, are the photos below (taken at home). So, congratulations Cora and Adele for all of your hard work!!  :)

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