Monday, January 28, 2013

A weekend with Jane Goodall!

On Saturday, January 26th, we took a busload of ISK Global Issues Network students to hear Dr. Jane Goodall deliver a lecture at the Nairobi National Museum. The lecture had been arranged just a few days before, and the hall was bursting at the seams with people who wanted to hear this amazing woman speak about her work. It was an inspiring address about how we all need to do our part in saving our world and the endangered species in it. Imagine how thrilled we were when we discovered, later that same day, that four of our students would be able to spend an entire hour with Dr. Goodall the next day, interviewing her and shooting a short film for our upcoming Global Issues Service Summit! It was an amazing experience. Dr. Goodall was very warm and made the students feel at ease; she spoke easily about her passion for conservation, particularly of chimps and other primates. Brian manned the video camera, I observed from the sidelines after coaching my GIN kids through the interview process, and Cora was one of the four lucky students who was able to engage with Dr. Goodall. It was a moving "life" moment for all of us.

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