Saturday, December 08, 2012

A new Freedom Through Learning Partner!

Towards the end of November, Brian and I drove up near Nyeri (in the Mount Kenya region of Kenya) to visit a brand new secondary school in a rural area. Peter Mumbia, who works in the science department at ISK, had asked us to go up and see the school with him. He actually attended the primary school there three decades ago and wanted see if Freedom Through Learning might be able to partner with a brand new secondary school that is in its infancy. There are no high schools around in the area, which means that students who want to continue their studies must either go to a boarding school or walk many kilometres each day. This, of course, deters most students from going on to get a high school education. So the folks at Thunguma Primary School have launched form 1 and form 2 (grade 9 and 10) themselves by moving some classrooms around and hiring two more teachers. As you can imagine, there are many needs in terms of curriculum and resources, as well as more classroom space. Keep turned to to learn more about this amazing new school and some of the projects we'll hope to help with. It was a great day and the countryside up there is beautiful. We were also introduced to the best tea (grown on the volcanic soil on the slopes of Mount Kenya) we've ever had.

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