Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year's Day with the Maasai...

On January 1st, we drove off to Ilkengarre Village to enjoy roasted goat and chai tea with Daniel, his new two-month old baby Grace, and several other community members. Rebecca had never visited the village, and it was a chance for her to meet our friends there, as well as experience Maasai culture. As well, Brian had been asked by Daniel to name his new daughter when she was born (a great honour), and this was our first chance to meet Grace and visit her mother Nyuna. After enjoying tea in Daniel's hut, we sat outside (under the breathtaking summit of Mount Kilimanjaro), eating freshly-roasted goat and sitting on sun-warmed rocks. We also got to meet our new sheep that Daniel has added to his flock on our behalf. Rebecca wants to name it "Becky Boo Boo". It was a pretty amazing day.

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