Sunday, February 20, 2011

Conquering Mount Kenya!

In the middle of January, ISK had its inter-cultural trips week. Hannah ventured off to the coast for a kayaking trip while Brian, Cora and I journeyed to Mount Kenya with the whole grade nine class. It's a rite of passage at ISK for the freshmen to climb this massive mountain (and Brian and I discovered it was a rite of passage for new teachers, too!). At 4,987 metres (just over 16,300 feet), getting to the Lenana summit was a serious challenge, especially while carrying big packs most of the way. Long days, sore feet, altitude sickness, cold huts at night... getting to the summit was a sweet moment. Brian hiked up one side (with 33 kids and two other teachers; Cora and I hiked up the other side with our friend Ron and 33 more kids). What an adventure!

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