Friday, October 08, 2010

Literary Festival fun...

On October 3rd, we took advantage of a wonderful 3-day literary festival in Nairobi and attended a session that featured two Kenyan poets (Tony Mochama and Njeri Wangari) and a British poet (Benjamin Zephaniah). It was so delightful to be engaged in a discussion about the power and purpose of poetry, with poets who are passionate about their craft, dialoguing and reading from their work. After being away from access to such events (in English) for awhile, it is a treat to be able to participate in such events and to be exposed to a whole new group of artists. We came away from the day with three fabulous books of poetry by Kenyan poets (along with several other books as well!). In the video you see Zephaniah performing one of his poems about his brother scoring a goal in a soccer game.

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