Saturday, September 04, 2010

Wildlife around Lake Naivasha...

Last weekend, August 27 and 28, we spent two exploring the Great Rift Valley and Lake Naivasha. It was absolutely stunning! We spent Friday with the Wilders driving into the valley and exploring Crescent Island, an island made from the rim of a volcanic caldera that was teeming with non-carnivorous life. Zebras, wildebeest, hart beast, gazelles, impalas, giraffes, hippos and spectacular birds were abundant and we were able to stroll among the animals. It was so beautiful. We spent the night at a lovely quiet lodge on the edge of Crater Lake (aptly named because it is in the crater of an extinct volcano), where the only sounds were the crickets, frogs and - in the middle of the night - rowdy colubus monkeys on the roof of our cabin! We walked with a troop of about 20 giraffe through the woods at sunset and then, the next morning, enjoyed three hours of walking among the animals. It was a magical place. (More photos on Facebook - here are some highlights.)

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