Monday, August 07, 2006

Good Morning, South Korea

Each morning when we open our eyes we are reminded of the great changes that have occurred to us in the past week.

It hardly seems possible, but we are actually living in South Korea!

Each of us has been kept very, very busy learning about Korean culture and preparing for the coming school year. The sights and sounds bear some similarities to home, yet, they are distinctly Korean. The food is fantastic! The Korean people are truly gracious, for the most part.

We will certainly offer specific stories throughout the coming few days and weeks, but this short note will have to do since we have yet to obtain an internet connection at our home. (Our days have stretched into the evenings, so using the school connection has been difficult)

The following photos include images of us departing from Toronto, arriving at Inch'on Airport, and exploring just a few of the neighbourhoods in Tajeon.

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