We took advantage of a long weekend (Feb. 18 - 20) to get out of the city overnight on Friday and stay at Olerai House on Lake Naivasha. We had heard it was a wonderful place and, indeed, it was fantastic. It was so quiet and peaceful, with views of savannah down to the lake and prolific wildlife on the property. In fact, a herd of resident zebra often wandered around, drinking from a large watering hole and nibbling on grass while we were eating breakfast and lunch outside. It was lovely! While on walks, we saw a baby hippo, some adult hippos, lots of gazelles, zebras, waterbucks, vervet monkeys, some colobus monkeys and a herd of Maasai giraffe. One pair of giraffe was involved in some mating rituals, swinging their long necks down low to swoop across the ground and bringing their heads up to nudge their partner. In one photo you can see one giraffe with its head low and upside-down, rubbing against the other giraffe. We are already scheming ways to get back here again.